Welcome to Debate Centered Instruction: A Great Way to Teach, Promote Student Engagement and Learning
Hi, I’m Bob Litan, the creator of this website to help teachers and education policy makers find the resources that will equip them with the ability to harness powerful debate principles — I call it “debate centered instruction” or “DCI” — for teaching in all classrooms, principally in middle and high school, but also for elementary school and even at the college level. I promise you DCI will forever change your classrooms, your students, and the way you teach — for the better!
Here’s my short bio. I’m an economist and attorney with 40+ years of professional experience in think tanks, government, law firms, and the private sector. Competitive debate was instrumental in my career, helped me overcome my childhood stuttering, and gave me the confidence to speak publicly I never dreamed I’d have. You can find out about this and much more in Resolved: Debate can Revolutionize Education and Help Save our Democracy ( Brookings Press, 2020).
Following the publication of Resolved the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation provided The Ethics Project with a grant to organize a Summer DCI Institute in July 2021, and follow-on mentorship program for teachers around the US who wanted to learn from some of the nation’s leading DCI practitioners how to use DCI in their classrooms. You can view and learn from these remarkable videos here.
You can also learn who provides DCI professional development (“Teaching”), about organizations that enable adults to learn and practice their debate techniques (“Adults”), as well as research and books about DCI and debate (“Research”).
If you have suggestions for additional resources or news that should be posted on this site, please contact me though the address on the Contact tab.
Welcome to DCI – and to the Educational Revolution!