Bo Seo’s “Good Arguments” is Must Reading
This is the best "how to" debate read on the market, combined with a fascinating personal history of a champion debater through the lens of competitive debate. Useful for a wide audience, not just current or would-be competitive debaters.
DCI In Action: Edutopia Videos, one of the leading education websites in the world has developed three phenomenal short videos of DCI in classrooms advised by the Boston Debate League. One of the videos shows how even math can be “debatified”. Here’s the list:
Judge Brown Jackson’s Supreme Court Nomination Validates Power of Debate
Judge Brown Jackson's nomination to the Supreme Court validates the power of debate
Debate Can Revolutionize Education and Help Save our Democracy
A Great List of Debate in the Classroom Exercises
Among the skills classroom debates can foster are abstract thinking, citizenship and etiquette, clarity, organization, persuasion, public speaking, research, and teamwork and cooperation
New Ways to Argue Constructively — For Anyone and Everyone
Explore our practical exercises that allow individuals and/or groups to apply the Better Arguments framework in various scenarios.
The Benefits of Learning the Hard Way – And How DCI Can Help
Just because you find something difficult to learn doesn’t mean you’re stupid, or that to try to understand it isn’t worth the effort. To the contrary, we’re more likely to remember a lesson learned the hard way, and to apply that lesson in creative ways in other contexts throughout our lives.
A Guide for Using DCI from Bard College
Research suggests that debating improves academic skills and performance particularly for at-risk U.S. students. Teachers often find students more engaged during debates, and discussion from in-class debates often extends outside of the classroom.